haha that was Hilarious
Re: GeeVee.com Wow... i thought they had a program or a modded 360 or something, not do it manually.
I actually had my doubts about Foundry... but its a lot bigger then I thought.
I cant wait! 6 days has never seemed so far away..
Still no clans/groups on Xbox live...
Im on my second playthrough. I played as a Soldier first, now im playing as a Vanguard. but the game was too short if you skip too many of the...
The only catagory that didnt have halo3 in it that i voted in was Roleplaying. Mass Effect was great! (but too short) oh, yeah and portal in puzzle.
Re: GeeVee.com I actully have a video thats being "grabed" right now... To bad its been a whole day since i put it in. But i guess its better...
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? ...Frankie you just made my day.
Lol. all of these i took... exept the last but that was one of my friends during campaign. [img] [IMG] [img]
looks fun, downloading...
Map: HighRail v3 Game Type: Best played with Multi-Flag CTF, works with Slayer and Team slayer Description: A HUGE change from last. Rebuilt from...