jugular to the dart.
rst would make the worst troll ever. also, would anyone like to buy a mw3 care package avatar item off me? i got it with my gold.
^ wat. it was all on rails! and their depiction of london makes me want to puke.
she is actually grif. clearly.
i poop coal.
nothing. like a boss.
M. Bison "Yes Yes!" Widescreen HD reupload - YouTube
nobody noticed the thread with all the FH memes in is on this very board? Napoleon Dynamite Saying "Idiot" - YouTube
finish the quest line.
go to the goddamn thread with all the memes duh brains.
thats weird i always have the middle going the same way as one of the others rather than that one being the odd one. Tongue Tied - GROUPLOVE...
how's the hand?
chuck swift.
try 30k sucka.
no thx.
it will be weird.
uhuh, dragonbreath can just gtfo with spellbreaker
i use condoms.
woo! im winning.
Battlefield 3 - FreddieW TV Commercial - YouTube