god, that looks ****.
i ruined your mother last night. with my ***** that is.
hm,i need to watch more boosh again.
youre cruisin' for a bruisin'
no hetero.
[IMG] keep your 'humour' away from me
sometime turtleneck
steve jobs extreme.
hard lesson? inside? awwwwwwww yeeeeeeaaaaahhh
actually about ben affleck's wife running around with red hair.
i post, therefore i am.
****, rooney mara's lisbeth has such a unique look! i cant sketch it. bwaaah
i would stare at her boobies.
i dont think helena bonham carter needs to see anything from emma watson.
no,no, i did see the hollywood one. great film. when i get a kindle ill buy the trilogy. i was put off by the titles when they were books.
i would rather feed myself my balls than see that version. Edited by merge: also the opening sequence was trippy and completely out of nowhere,...
ok im sold on dragon tattoo trilogy. rooney mara is coolz.