Well that's going to be pretty awesome for those big battle scenes in machinima; 16 players, all with the Clone AA = 32 soldiers running along!
If they do make one then I'd prefer it if they waited a few years after all the Halo games have been out. When they were planning it before Halo 3...
Perhaps you should think about that post for a moment. The Beta did contain quit a few extra armour variants but an altered menu and cR system...
Except for the point about Brutes only joining the Covenant military in Halo 2., that just hasn't been discussed because its wrong. The Elites...
It does look like it, its just a feature I wouldn't expect. I mean, if you can stand on the bodies, can bodies be piled on top of each other? Can...
Those are 3 different weapons. Plasma Rifle is the gun we've seen in the previous Halo games. Plasma Repeater is its multiplayer replacement but...
You can't? I can change the titles of my threads... Also, the YouTube video has been renamed with the correct spelling (if it was originally...
Can you stick another "h" in the thread title? Its Beachhead. The head of the beach.
In that video at about 4:16, did he step over that dead body?
That Thor quote I think was referring to the gravity hammer, not literal thunder and lightning as a weather effect. Well that's what I thought...
Well we saw in Halo 3 some weapons can't be placed on some maps, like Plasma Rifles on Avalanche, and seeing calling in an air strike would wreck...
Well if you're going to do that you might as well use your 3D program to just model the entire map! If you want to do that then you're using the...
If people do want to try making their own maps then I recommend Halo PC or H2 Vista. You'll need to get your hands on extra programs but it...
ODST access is closed. If you got a separate code then you still have access. I downloaded the Beta again after it finished with the spare code...
You got my hopes up. :( That website isn't a gaming website so its audience may not comprise of Halo fans who would understand "Forge" unless it...
OK, I take back what I said. So we could have blind and deaf enemies? :D
noklu is right, except for 1 detail. The only way others can download your files is if they are on a fileshare. Of course, this doesn't have to...
I don't think Bungie has said anything about custom maps in Firefight. They've only confirmed that Forge will be in the game for custom games, not...
No AI behaviour customizing. I think that means you can have standard Firefight, where random enemies are selected and you keep fighting until...
I've already written one post about centripetal acceleration today, I think thats enough. Pretty much everything in space in the Halo games,...