But you can search for maps in game can't you? Well, you can search for tags so I'm sure that if after a week you search for "Guardian Remake"...
I like that! The only problem might be with coming out the other end. One use I can think of for that is for use in those Infection maps which...
Hehe, yeah. I just watched the vidoc again knowing that that was Halsey, kind of blowing her own trumpet, isn't she? Didn't they use clones of...
Yeah, they did back during the public beta. Although they didn't say they were against an Objective Arena, they just weren't sure on how to record...
I agree. I don't think Bungie releasing games in September has anything to do with the number 7. This is almost on the same level as the person...
Are you sure? I know Safe Havens Has KotH style areas which affect player traits but I also know we shown one by Bungie at Comic Con on...
Well of course some one (sorry, I mean lots of people) are going to remake Hang Em High (and all other maps) whether Bungie makes one or not.
That's a good idea but wasn't Evade confirmed to be a Spartan AA as well? I think 7 different AAs is enough and it means of the [redacted]s are...
OK, so we're limited to 12 teleporter nodes but I don't think that's so bad considering how teleporters were used in Halo 3. One main use, besides...
I feel like choosing some existing terrain then building a huge dome over it, then having some windows which you can look out of but you can only...
I'm still not entirely sure how Safe Zones and Death Zones work. If I have no "Zones" on my map then players can go anywhere, right? They could...
[IMG] Is that what I think it is? :D hangem.jpg? And those rocks are enormous! [IMG] Stick those under any map to avoid it look like its a...
OK, the achievements are officially up on B.net I'll update the OP, most of them were right, a few were misplaced and some were wrong.
It changes from Pillar to Coastline. Its funny that the Halo 3 Forge HUD keeps popping up in videos. Even in the Forge World ViDoc it was...
Yeah, I think its just those 7. EMP Pulse, we've already got the Plasma Pistol and Armour Lock's pulse. Super Jump, why not just use a Jet Pack?...
Update: [IMG] Weird ostrich-like animals will be present on Reach. Looks like you get an achievement for killing them. [IMG] So thats all...
Sounds like a good game to me! We've seen that you can split a game in to different parts by completing an objective (kills, capture territory,...
OK, I've looked in to this a bit, done a bit of research and I think I've found something crucial to Reach's story. Explanation I'm just waiting...
That football idea won't work. I think you can set objects as bomb plants, flag return points, goto points, hills etc but not as the actual bomb,...
The crashed ship at the end looked amazing. Bungie keeps crashing ships in Halo games but that is by far the best looking one. I thought the...