Check out this shirt I made, its up for sale if you want. Check out the name of the maker for more shirts and accesories. [IMG]
If you haven't noticed, I hardly get on anymore. I'm houssitting for a while so I'll hardly be on because they don't have like good internet at...
Alright, I'll try it out. I'll get you results tomarrow and make sure u haz kewkiez just in case.
Alright thanks, that would be helpful.
I've never gotten it, but that's because I keep mine in the most un-open/cluttered area in the world. I heard that if you keep on its side that...
Any way I can make it so the helper doesn't show up when I start the program? That is what is freezing it up. I can't access things like "File"...
Have you ever tried this on another map program? Because in most map programs it is easier to do curves like that.
Drawlz Titmar for uz pl0x!
No bots either! Glad I don't have Halo 2 for computer, w00t w00t! :squirrel_grouphug:
Whenever I test maps I made, I always put it on slayer so we can see our colors and so we can kill each other to test weapon spots and stuff....
Sketchup is too confusing for my tiny little ADHD effected brain.
same, I hardly know any of that crap...
If it says in the sign-ups for the 1 V 1 Tournament that the players chosen are "random" then why is it acting like a TGIF sign-up to where there...
I wunt 2 C a pikchur uv Titmar!
I used to haz a female char because I think they sound better when they die.
The name says it all. [img] Did that one for my bandspace on Myspace, check it out if you want.
Thats great that there is a thread for this now :D... I'm only good at certain map editors, like the Infinity Ward one for Call of Duty: 4 and...
I havn't tried 3DS max yet, I heard it was really awesome, is it any good to you all?
What kind of shoulders are those? The white ones you have in your picture, I've seen them in the "Arby N the Chief Episode 3" When he is wearing...
I bet the stupid sniper glitch with the control stick was another factor with sniper gods. Now that they fixed that, even I can beat old Halo 2...