Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 1!) This map reminds me of the Call of Duty maps for the whole street part. I R guessing that that will be a...
RB6V Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!! High-five! *high fives you* My fat ass friend Joe haz my copie right now because he doesn't have any good games for...
Actually he never said he liked it. He said it was proposed on day one. Also, as he says it was planned but he forgets now so it might not happen...
Re: Recon Bungie Shirt. If anyone should haz Reconz from the shirt, it should be me! Muahahahahahaahahah :squirrel_evil:
I R just get no sleep at all.
I bet the Arbiter is very Sadface since he's losing. :squirrel_sad:
Or thay culd g3t sum Reconz frum Bungie cus thay Ruel so hard at playing Haylow 3. :)
I just happen to be wearing the tightest pants i haz O_o OMGod
Arbiter FTW. Like they said: hes wise, hes cool, hes trained and he doesn't speak in l33t for every sentence like the cheif.
There goina hafta glue you back together, IN HELL! [/end quote][/black scottish cyclops voice]
lmao, i luved clerks one and two. *Highfives*
See mate, I swear when it is neccisary, for example: Mooregames: I haz photoshop Me: **** you.. I don't haz Photoshop, it costs too much...
If I hear one more person say they found out from Bungie, I'll wear tight pants for the rest of the week. Good thing is that tight pants are in...
Evil Bla...hmmmmmmm Well, I wanted something evil, but not something sinister like Evil Blade (Which is Ironicly already taken even though I...
Yay! *gives out kewkiez and mutilates/devours kookie from Projectt*
psssh Bungie can blow me (Please!!!)
Well fark you guys, cus i have not acquired Photoshop at all in ANY means... I R just jelous