i should have remember that because thats how long i am. All t3h ladies love me! :squirrel_grouphug:
What, the TV or the Xbox?
my dad has something that i haz no idea the inches, but well...hmm if its as long as me if im on my side... well its 5'9" across and about 3'5"...
The DOW goes up? I want my stocks to go up :squirrel_giggle: (sorry bad pun for the win, no l33t!!!)
Band pow pow boom!
There are too many new members like this, there are some that are good enough not too. But I can have the occasional l33t response FTW.
Yeah, it doesn't really need it anyway cuz about everybodies (not saying yours) haz like a built in DVD player. unless its plasma TV, then u just...
Plasmas work great for Airsoft war cover :D I like them for that purpose I guess. (notice how my squrle thing looks like its shooting...sorta)...
I clicked on the link and it was all like "you are nubsauce for hazing Vista, go kill yurself and put your head in a vat of whipping cream and...
Probably just new members looking for posts... :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
Mug iTunes and threaten to kidnap its child so it will give you 'TV shows'
Liar! Lets all throw tainted balogna at him now! We know you would, CONFESS!
Re: Post your desktop! I R think it R only for Macs :(
Nice map, I havn't downloaded the dragon not because its ugly, but its like I don't need to download it :) I've already seen it all in other words.
If I still had friends that played Halo 3 AND had the Heroic map pack (cus over 3/4 of mine dont) I would be playing this all the time :)
thats actually a good song :)
sounds tough then :squirrel_wtf:
Re: Post your desktop! I tried to do that and followed the instructions, but it doesn't seem to work for Vista :squirrel_sad: Very very...
Re: Post your desktop! I warn anyone who doesn't know this yet... Vista sucks throbbing big ****.