You've forced me to do this. [IMG]
Peg's offline and my hands are busy with Xbocks. Amuse me.
I guess. Too much detail? Lazy bastards :P
Amuse me.
No. You give me solid prove that a civilian can fire a Halo weapon accurately without neural implants, then I'll shut up.
So many screenshot's.... *drool* I've made a few funny shots, should I post em' rifte?
No. *****. :P
Well, it would take millions of years to evolve, with thousands of years between stages. Evolution could well still be happening, we just haven't...
Hey, I noticed your comment on SargeantSarcasm's page. In Bruges is a great movie, correct?
I am such a big man I step on kittens. BIG MAN!
No. U!!!!
Lol. I always win. Sometimes.
Rear iron sights. There is no way you can see down the barrel of the pistol because of the huge ****ing lump on the front. The Halo 2 pistol...
Now THIS is amazing. So many little features make the whole thing seem realistic. Kudos for making everything so smooth. I like the look of the...
Wow. I really loved Turf in Halo 2, and this seems like an accurate remake. The scarab looks fairly good, and the overall layout seems true to the...
[IMG] Too off to the side-ish for me.
I'll take a grab picture, hang on.
Well, it certainly looks amazing. However, the gameplay may not work as expected. Firstly, the shotgun doesn't seem to have a purpose. The map...