O rly? There are no iron sights. There is a GIGANTIC ****ING LUMP on the pistol. You cannot look down the barrel at your enemy because of that...
Okey dokey then. No writing forum. Could you provide me a link for a writing social group if there is one?
Oh, that game. I thought you were talking about LIVE. Yeah, sure, I'll help.
No, Blaze. You were wrong. Halo 1 and 3 are my current favourites. I hated Halo 2.
Hey Sarge. Do you hate me now? I annoyed Nitrous.
I would just prefer that Bungie cleans things up in ODST. Don't make another Halo 2, Bungie. DON'T.
LAWL. I spammed aNitrous. Enjoy your stupid messages, Nitrous. o.0
Heya Sarge. Any chance I can have Recon?
Who are "the Americans"? Anyway, I need to finish up some schoolwork. How about in an hour?
Same, but not immediately for Reach. ODST's new pistol = ****ing über.
Reach? Tis gay. ODST? Epic winzorz.
YouTube - E3 09: Halo 3 ODST - Gameplay Trailer HD Epic Much?
Lawl. If you weren't purple, what would you be? Oh, and what is the highest one? Orpheus?
Huh. I is Askar.
I agree with that, but it would be a good idea to try and polish up a couple of things in ODST. It would be better for sales and make all of us...
Okay, firstly, in Forge, Bungie had the smart idea of instead of putting in an undo button, or something equally useful, they decided to put in...
I did. They indeed ****ed me over. But I brought it here because I thought the community was more intelligent than the Bungie one. I was correct....
Use the fusion coils as a reference on the long part. Don't tell Pegasi Delta, but...there's a reason for those. In territories, you can change to...
I read the ****ing Halopedia article. However, ingame can you see a ****ing laser anywhere while using a magnum? NO. So despite the laser (that...