Here. This should help you. If you don't provide at least one embedded screenshot, this thread will be locked. And you need to provide a link to...
Well, the layout is there, but I can tell from the pictures it would be bumpy. Interlocking not only makes the map smoother, but improves...
Holy. Crap. This is epic. The map's layout is pretty well prefect for long BR battles, and well suited for CTF. I have been a large fan of your...
I bought CounterStrike: Source! It r gud.
Cheers, man.
Can you lock threads? If so, would you mind locking this one of mine?
Sweet. Now I just need his permission... I think this thread is good and ready for a :lock:.
But I do need a Steam account to download them, right? He couldn't just give me the .exe files or whatever, could he? Anyway, here is my...
For a while, I've been wanting to play Garrys Mod, Counterstrike, etc. but I never had either a Steam account or a PayPal account. Now, my friend...
:O Anyways, I didn't hear aboot (c wut i did thar?) the UK price dropping, so I can't feel too passionately about it. Though it would be nice,...
Everything except for Temple, Descention, and Siege I think are utterly Feature worthy. This whole map pack reflects the time and effort you put...
Bad man. You are a BAD man :P
Fine. Get RF: Guerrilla. Friendly advice :P
Save myself trouble? Don't you want another Sarge on your hands?
And should the Pages icon stay? Or did you like the nonsensical swirl?
Maybe...can your hoe wage afford it? :P
Maybe. You need to fully upgrade it for it to be 1337. But buy Red Faction, it's really fun. Plus, the online kicks ass.
Like ANYTHING. Walls, cars, people, EVERYTHING.
Online is really fun. And the local play called Wrecking Crew is great. You have to cause as much damage as possible, with a random weapon. You...