Having nothing to do...
Yeah... Where ever the hell that is... But yeah, my step dad went to MSU, I think. I can't remember, actually.
I'd say that's for everyone... But when your someone like me, you take whatever fun comes your way. So boring now...
What? Deleting messages off your own profile? Or just deleting something random for fun?
Yeah, I know what you mean. Wait, how many episodes have they made? I think I must be missing a few episodes compared to you.
In English? lol... Also, is it me or does it seem that some of the original voice actors from season one has been replaced? Like, I think Haruhi...
Agreed... You thought I watched this in English Dub? Hell no, I would never watch any Anime in English Dub. I tried it once and it just about...
I kinda knew that already but I have been watching it though as they become available. I just wish it didn't take so long for it to reach the U.S....
You know what I just found out?... You live in Mississippi like I used too. Except when I lived in MS it was one of the less populated area in a...
I just felt like doing something like that since I was bored. It's quite fun sometimes. lol...
No comment... I will neither confirm nor deny such action. I hope I didn't make you mad. I'm sorry...
Well um, Let's just say I found something better to do then say something every time you say something to me. See?
Of course we are friends... I'm just a little busy at the moment.
Oh, bye...
Wow, you need more friends, it's really been a month since you last Visitor Message? Nice...
Or your just to stupid to believe me. Yeah, that makes more sense...
No... Your still an idiot for not even believing me.
I'm a ****ing Asian and you know that! I am what you would call an Asian-American since I was born in the U.S but have Asian parents. Idiot....