Don't know if there is a certain time of day or not, but beavers are really rare. They say they are always near water, but there is a little field...
D'oh! I'm a little slow tonight.
You turned 13 today?
I almost cried at the Red Dead Redemption ending. :'(
Holy ****, the ending... [spoiler]
There's a lot of them either north of Hanging Rock (where all the roads meet) or in a little field just southeast of Blackwater. That little field...
Omfg, I see this stupid Bing ad every other time I load a page.
I'd imagine he's physically slow as well.
I was either very lucky, or that was one of the easier challenges. I got that on my first bear. Just shoot it 3-5 times in the body with a pistol...
Gah! My iPod is on the fritz!
Don't worry, all of your posts are illogical and awkward. ;)
Every Day the Same Dream
My upload speed is amazing, lol. I hardly ever upload anything, so I guess it's a waste.
[IMG] I'm doin' purty good compared to you two.
My name is Youtuber.
The juiciest leftover pork chops are waiting for my fridge. WAT DO