I'll always remember you. <3 nohomo lololol
poor grif
Hey Shad0w, just dropping by to ask you if you don't mind next time when you go in the rank thread if you could take off the 93 off my name under...
as do I bro haha sexy wiminz
how did you only have to pay $110, when at Gamestop's site, they are only giving a $100 credit towards the new 360 with the trade in of a regular 360?
Well when Hockey, Football(NFL), and Basketball are in season, I go there just as much as I go on /b/. But I seriously don't go on /mu/ at all.
I really don't go on /mu/, I was just ****ing with you guys. I go on everything else I posted though.
[IMG] Look at this Photograph, everytime I see it, it makes me laugh.
I only go on /wg/, /sp/, /s/, /b/, /mu/, and /tv/....
Well, if you saw my edit in my post, Best Buy no longer has Blur on sale, so even if you use both coupons, it would now be $30.00 instead of...
For those that still don't have blur like myself and want it, this is your chance to get it now for a low low price at Best Buy. Blur is...
sup try hard
I call shenanigans on your choice of a title.
Well, that would make sense. I bought it as a 2g, but I updated to the 3g software, but like you say it's probably based off the original...
For some reason, my ipod is not allowing me to change the background like this, anyone else having this problem? Also, for some reason all my...
row row
Really cool statement, man
even then Grif, I remember seeing your car somewhere posted, and then I knew too you were rich haha