wanna get on Halo and play some customs?
wanna get on play some Halo 3 customs?
I need 2 dudes on halo....cmon and play pl0x
wanna get on Halo and play with me man?
Wanna get on halo and play with me man?
dub dub dub wub wub wub
I definitely agree, the new hubpub is almost pointless, it actually was something before lol.
Favorite show on MTV when it came out.
hey wimin
I thought this was the ppc not the van nevis chat thread...
[IMG] Bears>Lions Cubs<Tigers Sox=Tigers Blackhawks>Red Wings Bears>Lions Bulls>Pistons The only thing you guys got going for you is...
Coming from 5'2 guy who can't make baskets, amirite lol? Also, imo the NFL is the best sport to watch on tv, then NHL. Yet, I find basketball and...
Sweet. One ****ing person. luls at vidya game website. I should still go make an NBA thread haha. Yes, I'm a Bulls fan(watched every game the last...
God damnnit I need to find one person on this site to talk about basketball with, hell I was going to make a NBA thread, but that will be hella...
Yo Black Theorem, this may come off as a retarded question, but do you watch and follow Basketball?
Dicks everywhere!
Must feel bad man
his plan is to make sure that his **** is so cash
Just got back from the White Sox game, **** was so cash. I might be going again on Wednesday, I dunno but either way I had a great time, made up...