This is why you should beat your chirldren... So when they get old enough, they wouldn't do something like run away because you took their xbox....
Well in D.R(Dominican Republic) we have a strong spanish and african american heritage here. The Dominicans with the african lineage have a strong...
I think the game does support multiplayer. With the time trials i think it allows you to race with other players on the rooftops, but im not sure,...
LOL, LMFAO, ROFLOL!!! That was hilarious. My favourite part was when the guy shot the gun and the bullet had to load. Classic!
How do you guys do it? Every map you guys (premiums, some of them...) are always featured...You must tell me how you do it!
Wow Grif, you seem more entusiastic about the game than me... RB= Jump LT=Crouch Left Stick=Movement
Your 16!?! Strange I always figured you were like 20 or something...
I'd pick farcry 2. I wasn't much of a fan of Gears of War 1. The Multiplayer gets boring sometimes. Whereas in Farcry, I never get bored. I played...
Besides the main story, DICE also added a "time trial" in the game. I don't know it's like because in order for you to play the time trial in the...
[IMG] History: Mirror's Edge is an upcoming first person action-adventure video game being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE), due for...
I love Fable 2! I hated the ending though. You sent all that time gathering the other 3 heroes for nothing. There was no boss battle between you...
Lol, I don't think this is going to work...But we'll just see in 5-10 days...
So People who haven't bought the collector's edition, can still get the DLC cards?
Oh okay... Thx Toochie! I could say that all day, Touchie...
Okay, I just bought Fable 2 yesterday and I've become a "teenager" as far as I'm concerned, shouldn't there be an option allowing me to take the...
You know what this reminds me off? The last stand flash game. Probably one of the best flash games ever made. You could find it at
Wow that sounds fun! Im going to to check the web to see if this is actually true...
Yeah, good times, good times, but i didn't even like GoW, so i'm not sure if i will want to but GoW 2
Yeah, GH is a great game. I suck at i though. Too much finger movements, and crap on the screen to be focusing on...
I thought the MC suit and sword look similiar, it could fool some people...