Hey dude, GREAT looking map. I was only surprised to see it in the Competitive Maps section. Isn't a mansion more...Asthetic?? Otherwise, if...
Wow, nice looking map, bro. I was more perplexed than anything. I'm trying to figure out how it's shaped and what not, although your Picasso put...
Whoa, I'm flattered to a incomprehensible degree. I'll definitely take all the advice you suggested, and say only that the Sniper was placed for...
Impressive looking map. Like some others have said, I'm only concerned about the playability of the elevators. Pulling them off for actual use in...
Map looks neat. The whole "tree" thing is becoming a bit overused, but this map doesn't appear to be based upon that sole object. So, I'll check...
There's no reason why the signature should offend anyone. I disagree with the signature, but I acknowledge his right to believe whatever he wants....
I am totally confused, perplexed, and amazed.
With all those pictures, it would seem that you put effort into a good map. If only we could actually see the pictures.
Hmm, the only thing I can conjure up to define the looks of this is what a really good Forger would do on a bad day. You show some neat little...
There are two Bridges in the first picture that look off. I hate to criticize often because I'm not the best Forger either, but from the looks of...
Just went made a quick run-through of it. I'm impressed with the geo-merging and a few other merged sections that weren't necessary, but improved...
I see one spot that the box should be dropped. Anything that requires jumping to move from box-to-box is instantaneously bad. However,...
Looks pretty neat. DL'd and I'll come back with further comments. Wait, scratch that. Your link is broken, bud. Can't DL because apparently...
This looks pretty sweet. I saw from the pictures a few spots that could've been merged to just generally look prettier, but it doesn't appear like...
Nice lookin' map, bro. 7/10 from pics
Nice looking map. Got it Q'd, bro.
One hour??? My friend and I take weeks per map. Detail is what makes a map. Honestly, the first things I saw were the wall that is tiltled upward...
My first on ForgeHub. We've made several maps before this one. This and another are the most "pretty" maps we've made. I figured I'd get butchered...
Thanks a lot guys! The Camo tunnel was completely on accident. I'm sure every Forger was accidently grabbed a piece of merged scenery and wound...
I'm fully capable of taking constructive criticism, and I'll handle each question. 1. You don't have to crouch in the Camo tunnel. The only...