Very, very nice. I like the different shape of the map. It's more than just a box with exestentionalism and general molarchy. BEAUTIFUL map, bro! =]
Eh, it looks playable. The interlocking, for the most part, isn't very exact. Now, I say this because I'm picky as picky can come, I'm OCD, and...
What's funny is that I checked the DL's for this map, and it had none. I occasionally say that I'll DL a map at the beginning of a post, then get...
YES! This looks nice, bro. I'm diggin' it. More importantly (in a selfish sort of way), you gave me inspiration for TNN's next map. Actually, just...
Eh, this isn't bad, bro. I don't like a few things in here, but those are my OCD twitches kicking in. My first complaint is [IMG] The top...
A three-part release of maps specifically designed for SWAT? I love it. The map just plain looks good. I'll definitely check it out, and...
This is a brilliant start to my ForgeHub day. I love getting on and starting with a beautiful map. Have you played SWAT on this? It looks...
Getting the Single Box's brightest part to match the Double Box's brightest part was a task. The Walls on each side were sadly off-balance due to...
Thanks a lot, bro! Grid has been on vacation lately, and I'm ripe for some Forging when he returns. We haven't begun our next map, but we've...
HMMMMMMMMM. Disection time=] I love the Fence Wall floor section you did, as well as the square with Bridges. How big of a bump is there...
Ummm....this is complete garbage. What is wrong with you? I mean, honestly. Put some thought into a map and we'll all enjoy a happier FH....
Again, a disappointment that no one has commented this yet. I hate seeing threads to the middle/bottom of the front page with no comments. This is...
Surely, my GT is beingTOOnosey. Be warned, I don't play much MatchMaking because my friend and I like to make/play Custom maps pretty much...
Wow, ten? You're right, I am a little slow to believe that one. I wasn't criticizing. The truth is that the maps that shine (in my own humble...
Just thought I'd come back to note something. The time you put into the posts of your maps reflects the time you put into the maps themselves.
Are Shield Doors MLG??? I wasn't sure on that one. I'm not an MLG player in the least, but I was curious. Nice looking, but it doesn't...
*cough* BEAUTIFUL! *cough* Btw, if Grid will ever get on, we just might start our next map -_-
Now, it disappoints me that no one commented this so far. It's your first post, so allow me to explain a few things:::::::: *First off, thanks...
Certainly! Simply click on the object from your FileShare. It'll take you to a page that is specific for that item, but not a thread. I've started...
I'm not gonna bother to look at the pics, because they're not properly posted. The comments look as if you've been beaten up, which is not...