Are these old featured vids?
Wow! Cool! Great! Three words that came to mind.
1.No human armory! 2.Small defensive base with lots of ways in for Zombies 3.Zombies aren't Insta-Killed 4. I like Risky Rewards maps were too get...
I like Army of Two and the codes aren't working on new site! This is getting me pissed!
I dunno what is hardest? Maybe Still Alive from Portal. Not Really!
Great map but the new site sucks so I can't see any pics its just gay hotmail code!
The default maps are so default. BTW its teh love. teh love.
Halo 3!
Why is it that this new site is more superior but cant support actual embeded pics and has [br] next to everything? I personally liked the old...
Yes Foundry is overused but I find that as long as maps are different I love Foundry. Its a map that is always full of new expereinces
I loved the mole. I really liked the army mole from the second one. He was so cool!
Really Ty? I didnt know how you could get by without a card. Oh Well.
Ya. I wonder how it will change? Never even thought about that. I hope it's still as fun as 1/2!
Ablaze you are Iv0ry Sak3 right? And the Third comes out sometime in 2008. Check it out on for most up to date info.
I have heard that this was good but never played it.
I wa wondering which SSB was your fav. A lot of people say 1 but I say 3. What do you think?
I agree! Whoever invented SWAT/ Infection was amazing!
Even if you find someway to connect to the internet then you have to register for live which involves a Credit Card which I doubt you own your...
Interlocking is a good technique. I noticed also that if you don't interlock your maps will be frowned upon.
Game looks like the best in the series I agree with you! I can't wait