The map looks alright but what got my DL wa that slow mo device that sounds cool!
I think power weapons should be balanced. There is not really a certain amount thats too many as long as there is a counter weapon. EX: Sniper...
AMAZING GAMES! Number three better be just as good as 1/2 and better! I hope Mumbo is still in 3. He is my fav!
Cool map. But it looks like the last man would almost never die cuz the zombies have to hammer to get up and they can't hammer right away so he...
Good idea! I was thinking about making something kind of like this but this is my idea perfected! Good Work!
This is a good idea but you should've changed the guns around a bit.
Looks pretty cool. I want to see that vid though.
Looks cool. I like the name. Now I want to see Clodtop.
Its alright. At first I hated it. I am getting used to it though. Personally I think it was fine with the old one.
Looks alright but I'm not really into those sloppy kind of levels
Looks good! I like the sniper towers
I am also making a Panramic pic
I need to find this The Gimp program.
so awesome
HAHA! awesome.
Send It!
This is such a great map! You should send it to and see what they think. Maybe you will get teh Reconz?
Very Pointless
1.Master Chief 2.Banjo and Kazooie 3.Dark Smus 4.Mumbo(From B & K) 5.Shadow The Hog 6.Frank West (DeadRising) There are a lot more but these are some.