I know some arsome hiding spots on most levels and
I luv infection
Me ~MNM1245
Sweet! I made a map kinda like this. It has the concept that the humans are pushed back farther into the level. Mine only has three rooms and some...
Thank you guys for reinforcing the law! I thought I might be the only one.
No that great anything at all in GIMP either dude!
Itsalright. A little dull and the background doesn't amuse me much.
This is not your map! This is just a COPY of Barts Manor with a few changed exceptions! You did not make this map. EDIT: I'm sorry I jumped to...
I like some of these sigs. Ilike the chief one and the guitar on(Muse) most. I have GIMP so can I make pics like these?
This is a sick map! I really like how the warthog jumps into the bottom of the ship!
Sweet. Your reasoning with the ghost is very smart too. I see a guilder in you! I really do.
Looks pretty cool. Pics are kinda wierd shaped though. But the map looks like you put in a lot of neat details.
Nice map! Saw the link to it in your sig. BTW Ferrari is a good forger.
Wow! The maze has very neatly set up walls! Good job. Gametype seems solid too!
I saw this in your sig and clicked. I love your story line! And the objects behind the story. You really sold the map with your written...
Forge is an art? I dunno I have trouble with comin up with those too.
A wonderful classic map.
I remember this map from your Guilder App! This is a personal FAV! A keeper indeed.
I loved the edited version! The lighting makes it look like there is fire coming from behind you in tunnel! It looks amazing!
HOw bout them apples!