Looks like you know some good Forging techniques
Good concept. I like the map too.
Good use of interlocking. I'm guessing that the shield doors represent water.
AWESOME! The Zombie and Human don't even know but that was probably planned.
Looks pretty good. I agree with Mattys suggestion though. Make one more entrance to the bomb and take out Grav Lifts for 180 second limit
Its funny cause I was just lookin at this in Rustys Blog.
Looks good. I also noticed that you coun't see the shield door behind the Zombie. That could prove very usefu.
He has a lab now.
I think you should give each team a Shotgun but don't put it right in the bases. Put it like just outside the base.
Looks pretty good. Somethings could use some touching up but its pretty good!
It oesn't matter about double posts dude! This is the off topic!
Looks cool. I like your lifts.
Ths looks like a prett solid map. Good use of Merging with map on the train station.
Looks pretty cool! I love a good puzzle map. I guess I'l DL it and try it out.
Definitely looks like you we inspired by that MLG map. But this ireally not that mch alike except for theone bridge. But I like the map.
I have a few tips: Raining Fusion Coils Method 3: First spawn a BR. An easier way of making raining fusion coils is shoooting them is...
Ya this is just a modded map. It is pretty much known as cheating if mods are used in matchmaking
Looks pretty good for 2v2 or even 3v3
Looks awesome! Ioed Solaris so I will try this out and hope it plays well!
1. Map looks good. 2. More pics please. 3. Don't bump!I saw some bumping on the first page. Shame on you!