Looks like you just threw stuff around.
Map looks alright. I hate it when there is a constant explosion sound in the map though because its annoying and makes the game laggy.
Looks a bit messy. Try fix it up a bit.
Looks great! I love your Shield Door Corridor. This looks like loads of fun.
I like the idea like almost everyone! But I agree with the cover thing. Add some sort of Hanging Chandilier thing for cover. Maybe some...
Welcome! I hope your stay here is a happy one! The map looks good. I like how you used the window panels. It looks like you know some Forging...
Map looks good. I don't think it is a maze map dude. It looks like you took your time. And Welcome to Forge Hub!
Lucky. I wish I got maps early. The map looks really fun too!
I just made this semi awesome(First) Signature for my profile but I have no clue how to upload it. Do I have to change the file type? I never even...
The Tavern looks great! BTW good song choice for the vid!
Looks good. I like how you based it on campaign. Its a good idea
This map is freaking amazing. I have tosay it agian! It should be featured for sure!
Good use of interlocking
I remember seeing this in the Forged map section. Looked great.
An amazing map! The aesthetics lik the arrow pointing to the on button and the up arrow look great.
Get bigger pics! I use Tinypic(Theey make BIG Pics. Irony)) or Imageshack, those will get you big pics i would think. From what I can see on the...
WOW! Amazing interlocking! I hope there is no were you get stuck because that looks like it would be great if there weren't any places to get stuck
looks pretty fun. I like how the map isn't perfectly symettrical! Most conquest maps like Faction are exactly the smae on both sides but this...
The map alone does not look too great. But it does look like you nkow some good Forging techniques such as Merging with the map. That can be...
Looks cool. Is there a stunt skool 1/2