I don't have Legendary DLC yet but once I get em I have a great map idea for infection on Avalanche!
Ok I just played this and it was freaking awesome! If there is another infection playlist this better be included!
Me no have Legendary DLC : (
Awesome! It looks like this will be very fun! You got my DL
Reminds me of Storm the Beach but good job for not using Foundry!
Awesome! I loved Barts Manor/Haunted Manor in the Living Dead Playlist and I will love this! I think you should've put a ledge or a catwalk for...
Amazing map. Loved it
I loved this map! It was great! FIRST POST FTW!
Looks great. The pic above the sentinel pic looks like an optical illusion. It looks like hes is jumping onto the box with a wall right over head...
Dude work on your interlocking. This is very sloppy
WOW! You really showed off some Merging and interlocking mad skillz! Map looks great too!
Looks alright. The shield doors look very like not perfectly covering the roof. I see soe gaps. I'm not sure if you intended to do that or not though?
Looks very well made. It looks like the Firebombs don't completely rule the map. I like this
The map doesn't look like you really put a lot of effort into it but the gametype looks great!
I like those CTF tips it makes it sound very cool
Looks alright. I like the name too. Some parts look a bit messy but it still looks good overall
Looks pretty good. I like how you said that you changed weapon placement on the sides
Arsome! I love KOTH!
Looks pretty good. I like your Fusion Coil placement.