ummm ok.
Bungie also has recon! Tee hee..... and also that guy who was splattered by the street cone.
Seriously I need a band aid. A missle in the large intestine hurts too much.
Every incredibly famous female star usually turns bad. Miley will start around age 18 and she will end in about age 26. Between that period she...
This thread is a bit pointless. Move to Off topic please! K THX BY!
Wow Version 1 was just amazing but this..... It has more cover for the attackers, more weapons, more walkways, and finally more interlocking. The...
The only part about the map I hate is the fact you made me playtest it 20 times with you. Play a map too much and it isnt that much fun.
Those missles hurt a lot. I need a band-aid.
Stop complaining. He can die and live whenever he wants to.
Well there goes all of the matchmaking addicts.....
I know I was in the party half the time you forged it.
Paulie you finally released it and hopefully it will do well. The maps aesthetics are nice including the clocktower and the Crane. It played...
ForgeHubs Unofficial BlackMan
Finally a good competitive Cold Storage Map. Played this and enjoyed it a lot. Sort of reminded me of Vicious Vice's map Taction that he just...
That is why I gave it to you. Have fun Biggie.
I thought that the Review Hub died awhile ago. Didnt know it was back up for another chance, just invite if you need a tester.
Bungie wouldnt do that because they know not everyone likes grifball. If they did do it they may lose a lot of their fans.
I agree with Ford Calvin. If one person says it That is enough. There is no need to spam this thread with " Oh Get Pictures." Honestly Everyone...
Wow. I didnt think that Z would come. Now what are you naming the next one? The map looks like it has good architecture and interlocking. I...