It truly seems like only the over rated forgers will get most features. Every now and then an underrated forger may have his/her chance of glory....
Look a new person may not know everything. I think it is a bad thing but we have to deal with it. A lot of people have complaints and I...
First of all Welcome. Secondly the following people: UNSCHEADSHOT and Alb1n0 please do not repeat what Blue Devil said. There is no need for...
CommanderMatt1 for loyal 08'
American10- He has amazing ideas and really puts them to work. He knows good gameplay and beautiful aesthetics. Sir Toppum Hat1: Eternal...
That was the coolest guy I've ever heard. Anyone would kill to have that voice. r.i.p.
Anyone but Zendarun for being ignorant. Other people also want love.
I thought you released this awhile ago. You must have been working on this forever then. Anyway now that I know what to do the map is quite fun...
This map is still alive??? How? This is truly a great aesthetic map and I believe you guys make a great forging team. Keep it up!
Paulie Walnuttz, Sir Toppum Hat1, and American10. Temple of Atlas was amazing and took a long long time. Metro is also one of those maps that is...
The fact that it is merged with the tree makes me want to download. If it was an ordinary skybase I would not of downloaded. Your one good forger.
Rofl Copter? Hehehehe that is a funny picture. i must ask how does Mister Hat get onto the chiefs head in such a silly position.
I hope it will be good. I really have been wanting a new zombie game that beats dead rising on the 360. I will rent or buy this depending on how...
Yes he can because elites are elite. Duh.
Welcome to Hub of Forge. You will either be treated like crap or loved. So far you are being loved. + Rep from me too.
Original but make it two shots to the head should kill. Turn up the damage resistance and it will become insane difficulty.
Lol me, MealonX, ninni21, Plasma Glory and Blazen Nite made it.
Lol new stalker you say.?
This truly is original. A good solution though could be that instead of having the open roof just but fencewalls as the roof so he cant shoot...
This is truly original and rich in gameplay. It is always terrible if your VIP dies in combat but then you need to wait. Only few problems are...