Is the term American a racial slur? No. Is Italian or Irish racial? No. So do you think Mexican is a racial slur? No!
Sock Monkey you lovely Shock.
Well we were having a debate in the shoutbox so I figured to put it in this thread.
Talk about what you think about drunk people. Stupid and lazy or funny and witty.
Holy Crap! It finally got featured! This map totally deserves it unlike most other maps I see making my eyes bleed. A map like this only comes...
Why do people think it is really forgable. It sure as hell doesnt look like it.
Ok I will be on tommorrow and The weekend. "This is so exciting!" --- Quote from what recent funny movie?
Can I be a judge good friend?
Wow Sir Toppum. I need to take a look at it when I get a chance with you.
When I saw this I thought to myself. Wow this is just like Bunker Hill. Although we never made the idea for two opposing hills because we just...
It should've said assassinated. I know he was sniped but it was an assasin how killed him. So therefore it should've been that.
wow I just learned about this. Lucky 12000 calorie diet bastard.
I must say that is quite impressive. I agree the fusion coils shouldnt of been seen but still really nice.
The smiley face is the best part though. I would just remake yours.
Nor made me my sig. I love it a lot
Dude that was one of my favorite drinks. No joke. The Halo 3 mountain dew was soooooo gooood. I thought I would hate it but I loved it!
The John F. Kennedy should've been assainated
Whaa............ the hell? I agree with Y35. How?
You really shouldnt make misleading thread names. Even on purpose because it will piss people off and maybe the reason no on replied last time is...