I agree with others. Sports games are overrated. Just play the sport if you have friends to play it online with. If you dont then enjoy your game.
Why arent you up. And also what?
You are only doing this because of the other thread and making fun of the kid who made it......... Even though i disagree with him about all...
JJ is right. And seeming from a few things you do around here I would just try to keep it clean and not insult anyone. That is how you get -...
Yea the one with the real life people is much better. Mainly because it is more realistic and more convincing. Even though this one isnt terrible.
Rep? It doesnt say that at all. You sir are making things up. And also I see you tried to give me bad rep. Nice try. When you have red rep it...
Spam much? I will have to check this video out another time... Doesnt seem like the happiest video.
Wow. Clearly this isnt even a thread about the elites. It is just you defending yourself from being corrected. You clearly arent loved because you...
Seems like you love to make maps a lot Erico. I really though had hoped there was going to be more on the map but I hadnt played it so it may be...
I hope that hospital does get sued. If you were a loving man then you would do so. Sue the hospital for the amount of money he had spent/given away.
The deployable cover and the custom powerup ideas are actually quite original in a cops and robbers game. Not too many people care for it too...
Good thing your not one of those people that overreacts when someone says they dont like the map too much. I get those a lot when I comment...
The last one is made by somebody else unless you recreated it.
So you play as an elite then? Interesting. Then technically you are dumb good sir.
Making fun of me and others eh? Yavi is an elite and you are calling him dumb. And did you happen to come across pink elites at all because that...
I would love skins like that on those maps. Wish bungie could've done it...
Yikes. Who will you play as now Matty! * Sarcasm *
The interlocking is clean and quite tidy. Although I must say I have no desire in this mainly for it doesnt seem too special. It is just neatly...
I reserved Gears 2 and probably would've done it with Fallout 3.
Get well man. Good thing it is treatable.