The game is from 2005 and is fun. Although I would only play maybe 2 hours of it at a time then go to something else for a while or else it gets...
So I found $20.00 on a curb when walking into a doctors office and I wanted to buy Microsoft Points with it. I didnt know what to buy so I thought...
Sorry but your really late to the party. Since it was all over youtube it made its way here awhile ago. We all are aware of that video.
The achievements are free so what the hell are you complaining about? When someone gives you something free do you take it?
Thats why its a debate. Debates are people arguing. So there you go. Right section.
Well it is arguably the best rock song of all time. That is the title it usually gets so that is why I put it here.
Is it the best rock song of all time or is there something else that should take its place? Personally I do believe it is because a rock song...
Im going to try to get into a course like that when im in college. Im really into the whole concept of making a game. Sucks they wont let you...
Your forgetting two other important games. Call of Duty World at War and FarCry 2. Call of duty I can believe you forgetting but FarCry! You...
Just Headlong. I dont want anything changed about it. Nothing at all becase its already good enough.
Another terrible one was Snakes on a Plane. Ugh Samuel L Jackson just couldnt get in anything else.
I agree with Hari. Its to overused now. I used to do that but now im an elite. Just a regular combat elite.
Cloverfields ending was disappointing. Hoping that some people die in awesome ways and then the main character lives and has happy with his GF....
This belongs in the Map Testing section. Please ask a moderator to move it. Thank you and have a nice day.
No Norlinsky made it for me Bibby Bob.
Wow. Looks like my favorite was Halo 2 mainly because if you love a good storyline it was amazing. My only hate about the story were two things....
Well the only punishment suitable for this guy is to have him be tortured in the same way the kangaroo was. First we need a car to hit him...
This really is amazingly impressive. It is so neat and actually looks like a ship. There is so much space on the inside and looks small on the...
Wow. That reallllllyyy sucks a lot. Got through cancer and now this. Wow.... just wow.
Must watch now........... Seems so funny yet need to watch now. Seriously though that was the funniest spider on drugs video ever. And the only...