Its only funny in Japan. The american one took too long interviewing the people rather then watch them go through the hole. It was boring.
Interesting. Vampires. Los Angeles. Hollywood! The vampires are going to turn our favorite hollywood stars into them. Anyway thank god I live...
Its past your bedtime. You should be in at 8:00 mister. Im telling your mother.
Vote for me and I will give you all a cookie. Great slogan. Great speech. Good luck.
Keep it Dirty.
You guys are silly. Like Drawing stated it is indeed for Halo 3. At the end it says Halo 3. Not anything else. Its probably new campaign...
Interesting. It could be true although I dont know. It didnt make too much sense what you put to compare it with the book. Good book though.
First off a few things. One: I doubt its another planet. Does it look like one? That Traxus sign is on one of the buildings so it is probably...
Hehehehe. I remember by accident instead of pressing preview post I hit submit. My god I was mad and I got like 7 comments within 2 seconds...
Odd. Last time I checked it wasnt used. Stupid people always taking the good gamertags.
Try the gamertag Jesus. Its not being used! TRY IT!
Wow. Me and some friends used to play this on a cops and robbers map all the time. Simon says "Get into the last cell!" Then the cop would make...
Fallout 3, Call of Duty WaW, and FarCry 2. The list is limited due to our family present being an HDTV.
I just realized that the Longshore skull has a fish on it. YAY a map with water! Finally.
My favorite Sophomore.
............ I think most of us know already about Arby and the Chief. We all know the RoflCopter we love.
I really should've made a seperate thread for the $20. Or just left it out of the story.
Needs moar interlocking. And you totally cheated when you got that killtacular. Make a v2 please.
Ok there is only one problem with your post. Why is some of the text in yellow? Thats the worst color to read of all time. Either that or white.
The waste of money? You dont have 10 dollars to spare? How do you afford the game then?