How can you cheat on obstacles? Not do em the right way? That doesn't make sense, you should be able to complete a PUZZLE any way that you want....
downloaded, I see how to beat basically every course, lets see if I can pull it off
Ok, i updated it Ballika
Seeing as we are using it, i don't think so. Also half the questions that people ask are in previous pages, so look thru the pages before asking...
Ok, my origional theory was proven false, or at least it seemed so. BUT I have discovered 2 new things 1)hog turrets these are made by sinking...
No, once the glitch is on you don't have to set the runtime to max again, it will already be there. Oh and don't delete an object if you have max...
no, this makes it so you can exceed ur budget, not exceed the items quote. the budget is the cost of the item and you have a certain amount of $$...
yes, it includes ALL users and ALL games, not just past halo maps
spawning down there isn't the point, the point is fusing vehicles with map geometry...
Ok, so as we all know, when you try to put a vehicle into the floor it sinks in and kills itself. Now, I thought, what if we could put in a...
Oh and give the xbox 360 a spartan laser by the green ring. And make the PS3 have a plasma pistol (pos)... he he he
Ha, why would that be cool... I think he has worse than the red rings... the box is blowing up! I hope that isn't a realistic picture... Anyways,...
Re: Hotel Zanzibar (138 DL) {Vr 2 on the way} All I think it really needs is some logic between floor levels and straighter walls.
oh puzzles, love em, hate, love to hate em... downloaded. I shall conquer.
no, only in that map varient.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
thats what the database was supposed to cover, o well I put that info in
2 reasons I didn't take maps from 1) There are no pics, so people cannot view the map to see if it is any good first. 2) It took long...
Nice concept, just take it back to the drawing board and improve it with ur new found techniques and ideas. I am sure it will turn our great when...
Guys, stop posting the same thing "YOU NEED PICS" over and over again, all your doing is raising your post count and bumping his topic. So just...