I definitely see it on the right side and near the gun of the ODST. I love the color scheme of it though. You did a great job.
That request it too like basic I'll do the next one. I promise ;]
whythnkugudsir Ya I knew I was full but chrst just bumped me up to senior
The first one looks a little cheesy cuz the text is outta place and is too fancy. Text should always be short and simple. The second one is...
Forge Hub Halo Forums - View Profile: Codypod Check out that guy... And check out his posts...
inorite? Lol chrst promoted me cuz he thought I was senior but I told him I was full and he was like whatever and gave me senor (<--- to get full...
Hey baby
NOOOOO!!!! Dude why did you retire?? =[
Senior Members: DeathToll77 - Signature Kidbomber - Signature Kn1ghtboy - Signature Silent oo * - NS KB's FTW!!!!
I was like full member, 3 stars.... But I am willing to give up those stars if I must to come out of retirement
Lol I'm not gonna do it so good luck
Can I come outta retirement in the Guild?
Can you get RadiantRain's for me?
I answered awhile ago but I had a recent name change so yeah.... Kn1ght- I have a for the word and I always wish I was one (I know, nerd...
sure thing broski... Post on my profile when we got a request though cuz I probably won't check too much lol
ohai thar.
lmaonaise on mah roflwaffles Great work son. You make meh proud
or TS... your choice
I dun wan anime.... You should make me a heart with KB in the middle
Dang I need an avatar