I am a white boy
My name is Kn1ghtBoy
party on her profile
Meh kinda.... Your just an idiot and you make me laugh my ass off. Your not proving anything other than your idiocy. And with that, I am out of...
B3NW, Reyn is right. Your an idiot. Its not out yet its just an advertisment. This thread needs a lock...
come bacK!!!
[IMG] Newest sig... Kinda bland but ya lemme know your thoughts
Congrats on teh dark purple man.
Not lame.... Random and original though =]
[IMG] I dink tis un iz much betta EDIT: AHH her hair is weird!!!!
I'm gonna burn all the corners except the top right so it'll be darker
[IMG] How does you liek its a little bland for my liking...
Yeah it was rather.., strange? Anyways your new one looks pretty sweet
Okay. You have so much of my respect lol... I hope you don't lose it
You went back..........
New avatar once again??
I just realized that the only thing I don't like about the sig is that the guy is black... But for real the text is kinda bad... Too fancy
Loyal again?
Good. Glad you liked it!
D= You declined my friend request!!