Good luck on Pennyless... I think it deserves it
Meh it was hand drawn this week so I went for it
You entering in teh SOTW this week?
Rick Astley's birthday? How come he didn't invite me to his party!!!
Not really...
It was an disguised bump
Why is there no activity in teh shop?
Sadface. Lol wow I totally forgot what we were talking about til I read our conversation
Can I borrow some??
people. Magic. More dead people
Like oh mah gawd magic???
Whoa. From the glare on my screen, your name looked dark red so I thought you were premium and I was like lolwut?
Haha I trust that you'll do just fine
Your blue again =D
You deserve teh moderatin powerz
Meh, I actually wasn't too too impressed with the titles in 2008. It seems like the film industry is down grading every year. The movies just...
Congratulations on your promotion
new avatar???? I almost didn't recognnize you
llllllooooooyaaaalllll Congrats my good sir. Thanks for all your dedication to the guild
Excellent work and congrats on the feature. Keep it up