Merge your two posts together. You broke a forum rule known as double posting. As for the map, I'll try it out. Interesting idea and I'd like...
No. The world will not end in 2012 in my opinion. Lets look at the Mayans and they're intellectual levels. Sure they made have made some ideas...
I <3 A7x. Favorite songs by them are Beast and the Harlot, Almost Easy, Afterlife, Bat Country, Dear God, and Unholy Confessions
Yes boydy-poo, I like a7x =p Drico, somehow you got deleted off mah Friends list. We need to get back together and finish up our map!
Your not insane your not insaneee..... Muahaha. Your not insane your not.... Not insane. Lol love the status broski
Wow. This map is really blank. I don't mean to be mean because my goal is to provide constructive criticism but this map is really empty. Looks...
*****. There is a request with your name on it in the shop. Also, put some of my work in the OP
Ooh... your close enough... You can haz join ;D
o/. I <3 teh asians.. except Phreakie
Are you asian....?
Gimme the testing thread!!! I will be there. Or try anyways
I'm sorry my love. I had pancakes for breakfast this morning though
Don't mind that kid he is....strange? But I'm glad you feel welcome!
Yallo mr sir ;) GT Change, why do you ask
Welcome welcome welcome :)
Dude! Thats an amazing idea!
Mainly because I am so busy I forget to. I have recently started eating breakfast though. On the weekends, before my lacrosse games however, I...
I used to have 105. I might of been kicked or the groups
I always knew we could never be together.. You and your pancakes and my waffles and I.. I wish there was a way but there... just... isn't! ='(