I hate the text and I debated on the border whether to put one or not.... The different contrasting turned out funky after I uploaded it. It...
CnC my newest sig... First total stock sig I've done in awhile [IMG] a few changes and; [IMG]
Nope but I'll check it out =D Man I love Slipknot.... I'm going to their concert in Orlando tonight btw.
To embed a youtube video you do [*media][/*media] without the stars of course... About the guide, it a pretty decent guide. It would definitely...
Surfacing, Heretic Anthem, Snuff, and Duality are my favorite
What is your favorite song by Slipknot?
Meh not too bad.... I like the ones that look like paintings because all the other are really LQ and don't have much flow... Your current sig is...
Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh I love spamming your profile
Do you listen to slipknot or disturbed?
You suck. Horrible music choice. Bad footage. 'Nuff said.
Dude me and my gf are seeing this at the midnight release. This movie looks so epic. I loved the first and I'm sure the second one will be just...
The solo is a little difficult but other than that its really easy...
Kapura, my favorite journalist... Whatever happened to you =[
and AIM?
Sweet. Is is easy-ish? I learned Afterlife today and its quite fun
K.... I really loved our structures
Was it on my share? Like I have a very updated version of it. I would hate to give up on our first map because we were probably 85% done
You, my friend, have an amazing name
Kk broski... I can't get on til the weekends though because I've had the need to focus on my schoolwork and girlfriend more.... and this weekend I...