Can't complain with this at all. It works perfectly actually. Were a competitive map featured first everyone would complain how another one was...
****! I love Dexter!
YouTube - Iron Man 2. Alternative Opening:) It opens with Tony, head in the toilet, classy as ever. I can understand why it was cut from the...
hey guys
you're clearly not
You're just realising this NOW?
I ****ing love Dexter! I'm only about half way through season 1 and I'm absolutely hooked.
I watched Superman Batman: Apocalypse last night. It is good, don't get me wrong, but it's also really disappointing as someone who's read the...
I finished reading BLACKEST NIGHT a few days ago. It's incredible. It has such an epic feel to it and while it's essentially a huge fight scene,...
All I have left is to set up assault, territories and stockpile!
Just finished the initial and respawn points. Next is to start setting up gametypes... maybe tomorrow
maturity at its finest
Dude! I feel like showing ELIXIR to someone on here before I test and you're the only person I really want to show it to. We must play together...
There are numerous premade settings uploaded. I used IGN's and I got it last night.
It's not a glitch. In some areas you can venture underwater as there's a limit you go before hitting the death barrier. I assumed that it was 1.5...
I'm 90% sure I know what it is...
GAAAAHHH, I hate the Heat in the Pipe achievement. Been here for 2 hours Just hit 900,000.
In a similar boat. I had 2 weeks off work, now I'm back. I was hoping to be testing at this point. I'm not far off though, I'm JUST up to placing...