Requiem for a Dream?
I think the low opacity combined with the round edge makes it look a little softened. I love it. Your choice of colours is great, subtle yet...
Yeah, it's a huge pain in the ass. Thats great! Looking forward to seeing the final product.
I'd definitely say it's worth it.
Reach is probably going to be more long-term than Black-Ops, in terms of active players further down the road. I'd say go with whichever franchise...
Barely even started testing :( Haven't had much of a chance with my timezone and the times I'm awake. Whenever I'm on; barely anyone else is so...
hey guys
roar roar roar
Good question, I'm not sure.
inorite. It's incredible
Do tell... Why bother, who plays firefight?
Have you tried looking at the advanced section in item properties, it'd have a gametype label if it were a gametype specific item. Sorry I can't...
HOLY BALLS!! Just finished season 2 of Dexter. **** I love this show
definitely, man. I'll add you if we're not already friends
I don't really have a specific time. Just sometime on the weekend. (This is EST so it's probably off a little)Either sometime between 11am-3pm or...
So do I. Hopefully going to be getting it done on the weekend.
Whenever, really. It's just that I'm normally asleep during the peak gameplay time for americans. Round 9am-ish is like the best time but I'm...
yeah, not leaving Australia any time soon. Don't even know why I asked where it was. lol
where is it?
I'm in Australia