I heard how you took Camo's idea that is in the picture with a bunch of arrows. I really dont like how SoLo did a useless geomerge under that...
hey. how do i get into the review hub?
im gonna give this map a go. It cant be horrible if you created it and I dont see why people arent playing it first so ill get back to you with a...
Downloading this map right now. I will do a forge-through and get a game on this in the next hour if I fixed my connection. If not I will get back...
ya thanks a lot!
tanks a bunch
lol no its alright lol im just gonna try to get into the review hub. and I got accepted to the GoO for my reviews today so that was cool.
ok well nevermind screw this, im gonna go try to get in the Review Hub i guess LOCK PLEASE
I dunno. The review hub doesn't really get things done efficiently either. Things are so organized when reviewing and testing that you can't ever...
Hey everyone, lately I've been suffocated with many requests to give out my "Phreakish Review." they've actually started to get rather popular and...
hey, I just wanted to thank u again for helping me out with spawn areas. I couldn't have gotten that feature without you. Also I checked out the...
Wow! My first feature! I'm really new to this so I'm not really sure I should be posting on my own feature thread lol. It may make me seem...
i thank you for actually giving me a decent post/reply. Ive been gettin some fairly pointless posts. This really brought a smile to my face to get...
Sketchup Forge for Hubbers by Phreakie Download – Google Sketchup Download – Halo 3 Forge Foundry Components Table of Contents - Introduction...
o hai me and insane are playing team snipers. get in hare
just left a super review on your map http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/45885-moon-waffle-8.html
Alright, Devinish. As promised I have returned with a review that is decent and really goes into detail with the oh so famous, Moon Waffle....
Your post is on the brink of spam. I suggested you start rewording your posts because you may get infracted. Truely honestly, I really have...