Click for my rant... [spoiler]
This montage has the greatest editing I've ever seen. Watch it in HD and Full screen on the direct link for the full experience...
Heres my little project that i am working on right this second. Its based off of bungie's concept art in the weekly update. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I...
pff fail i see you playing gears half the time.
: / uh huh dont worry its k i guess
hmmm? idk i dont remember being on much yesterday at all.
not me or my cousin we were actually trying i'll look at the video in a bit to make sure but im fairly sure because I was actually trying to stop...
How do you get outside the map? the bottom center? I didnt go out to the shade turrets?
when I said I didnt feel like playing, I was talking about the Mirror's Edge my cousin brought to my house not that...
kidding dude...
Castleanche was an amazing map. It really gave off the feeling of a castle and it played well. The two vertical towers were very nicely built...
aha... yeah I was laughing at them..
yes I am and merry christmas...
I cant even get started on it yet. : ( I have to finish me and Insane54's project first. Ill probably get on my project a little after I finish...
InsaneChild gets a 62 or so killing spree and two flag captures. All of it is in a Banshee but its still very amazing....
oh well i just thought it was really cool. Lol... and yeah now that i think of it you are kinda right about the switches everywhere. I still think...
This Rube Goldberg Machine is amazing. totally beats goatnutz and adelyss' in my book. No offense.
Aha...Yeah.. lightsout225 didnt make this map. courtesy of me good sir.
uhh no O.o" A pillar with signs and dumpsters. lol...
That could work. But I think you just gave me a really good idea there that utilizes dumpsters and signs