The mayor of the interwebz is right. You have reached the item limit and it wont let you put down anymore objects. I suggest you delete any...
We agreed it was unoriginal in a way because it played exactly like code impulse. the majority of the ramps and structures all felt the same, in a...
strange lol O.O"
oh the grading scale must be different from us then : P
Okay, I've played two games of slayer and one game of One Flag on High Voltage. Here's my review. ::Enjoyment:: Games on High Voltage were fun...
uhh... Its cool but Ive seen it in a lot of montages lately so bleah...
uhh... Your HD sucks... Plus the clips were kinda bland
omgwtfbbq? Sweeny is loyal!? aha...congratulations.. Anyways yeah the guide for this is pretty accurate. For the last one you way want to include...
uhh... k? Go watch some pr0nz?
your in Australia though arent you?
No I didnt try the v2 and I will but I dont think it will change my opinion by much. I highly doubt two things: 1. You probably didnt change the...
Umm... last time I checked 80% was a B- or a C+ according to my last Spanish Test. Asians were never meant to speak Spanish :P Lolwut...10/10...
umm... I played 2 games of Conquest on Quadrividium, and im sorry to say but it completely failed. It failed mostly because of the reason you...
do you guys by any chance use the same post settings as FH?
Egh... I'll try to be a bit more active there..
oh yeah. I dont go there because sdrakulich is an admin or staff there.
what place? Forgehub?
err yeah. I agree with Chuck. I was active in Off Topic for like a week and it was really random. I havent been there since god knows when so I...
uhh yeah. sure I guess.
Looks very similar to Chasm from the pictures. I do like this map very much. I will download and see how it plays. Then I'll get back with a...