Ignorant this; ignorant that. Rofl.
How is homosexuality a choice?
Please refrain from posting links like this to my visitor messages. If it's urgent, please message me using PM's. Otherwise, reporting it is the...
Lol, look how old that post was.
Exactly. /thread.
How do you do that rollover thingy with your signature?
I don't trust the judicial system, I shoot guns.
Comparing homosexuals to polygamists and pedophiles is disgusting. Try not to be so rude.
YouTube - modest mouse bankrupt on selling
I'm getting my tire iron.
He's an attention *****.
Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes intoneously, for Moseses knowses his toeses aren't roses as Moses supposed they would be.
Please refrain from posting links like this to my visitor messages. Just stick to PM's or report it.
Have I told ya? Have I told ya? Have I told ya? Have I told ya? You could really get it on? You could really get it on? I was at an all night...
Ha no kidding. That forum is pretty dead anyway.
I didn't notice the screenshots guide branch, excuse me. Hell, I didn't even know that forum even had a guide sub-forum.
Get a new group.
Move it where? The thread is a piece of **** but it happens to be on subject. On another note: please refrain from posting links like this to my...
I like it, I like it. 8/10 YouTube - MewithoutYou-In a Sweater Poorly Knit