So you didn't actually make the map? Did you get specific posting permition from the person who did? And if the maker can't beat it, its...
Dude I am loving that base design!! It is different, abstract and it looks cool! IThe geomerging and interlocking looks great too! I would put...
Uhh I dont know what to say? I guess they started dating in Halo 2 and beat the Halo 3 campain together. Must be a matchmaking heaven :)
...crying face.... that was beatiful Nemihara!! Remember me? You muted me once during TGIF!!! Haha good times.
I would kill to play Halo 3 also. My folks wont let me get Gears of War 2. But its sad. He would get to a 30 and than lose his rank. JK but...
I would clean this up a bit. Little things like interlocking the boxes and geomerging the bridges (to erase the bump) can help with the quality...
Well, I am now a part of this project so I should be in this somewhere :D Indded what you have so far is great, when I get my xbox back from...
When you say finish the map on Saturday, what do you mean by that? Not that there is a problem.
Well its been known as High VOltage since the beginning, everyone knows it as that. I dont know if a name change is necessary. I want to post...
Hmm well let me say that the soccer ball part was epic, and the geomerges was stellar also. I really like the geomerges on this map however I...
Sweet!!! keep working and we'll try to post the map Friday!!!
What gametype should the map be for? I thought multisided gametypes with that hilly layout would be cool. Probably all objective. Your planning...
When I was making the attacker's base on High Voltage (coming out in like a week or so) this happened to me while I was making low geomerges in...
Oh hai thar sexy!!!
Dude I am making the write up for the High Voltage post. What is your next forge creation going to be????????
i haz red ring. Dont delete me.
If possable, play a test game with sdrakulich so he can do the vid with both of you in it. If you cant dont worry about it.
Good. Do a few tests to make sure they are completely perfect and feature worthy. Dont worry about oddball but if you do have it thats a bonus...
I agree with you. But I know Brujin in real life and he says its fun to admire the creations of others. And its something to do in his free time...
lol I was going to tell you something. And dont doubt me when I say this... I have the red ring but I am getting my xbox in about a week....