Wow. I remember when Ire Of Fire was featured a while ago. You are truly skilled with making aesthletic maps play well. The spider is amazing...
I will get my xbox within the next 2 days. Do you have an xbox to use?
Did you DL a version of Project Askar on Picceta's fileshare? You saw my post on the nonpremiums.
Try to get it from someone else.
I have the red ring and I dont evan have it. Does any one else?
I have the red ring lol. I should get my box back any day.
As soon as I get my xbox back from repairs. I might get it back today. When I get it back then I will test and then post.
lol thx though :))))
But I want to know HOW they are done and how the spawn system works exactly. Devinish's is confusing and hes only making a guess supported by...
I saw your post. What do you mean by "yeh Sandbox has been confirmed"... : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Can you bump this thread on I want Shishka to notice it.
Im a jew lol but Merry Christmas!!
Hey man long time no sex hows it going?
Your avatar is my new screensavor lol
Hello sir!! Merry Christmas (but Im a jew lol) are you going to try and get premium?
Yes another jew!!! Dude whens Redeemer going to be released? My xbox is coming back in the next few days and I was wondering if you were...
Well I mean... any big names compliment it?
How many people have played it so far? How many liked it? Any big names?
I might be getting the xbox back later and drak should still have a version. Do you still have it on your fileshare?
Hai sexy!!!!!!!!!!