Bungie already said they can't and wont put new armor into their game. The only thing we wont have is flaming helmet. Oh and this it baby... Hold me.
I want to buy this game, among others, for my PC, but it could hardly run Sims 2.
Was stating my opinion, so that's trolling now? So NAO U STFU!!111!!1!1ONe!1! I could go on but nobody has replied with a intelegent response....
What has your team done?
Because it makes for better games. We already have Marketplace, why not go a little further to browser?
I would, that thing cant fit in the map, but it would be awesome in the campaign part to fight a few.
Patriots losing at the superbowl during a "Perfect" season
You know how ODST has firefight? Maybe bungie can do something special for Reach, but who knows, it probably will be what many want because many...
Maybe there will be a new multiplayer mode that is like Battlefront 2 - Invading ships?
I thought having all those abilities in a sandbox game were great, they just need to improve the enemies because all they did was stand and shoot....
Am I the only one excited about this game? Crackdown 1 was fun but it didn't have what I want - more players to play with. This looks like it has...
type: Weapon name: Eagle Claw effect: Medium range, what you aim at you get pulled towards, 3 shot kill pros: Quick way to get around and skyjack...
Oh that was sort of the point. I'll edit my post.
Can it be formated with games? And a mouse?
Among that, I would like a more powerful X-Box. After playing Red Faction Guerilla, it made me wish every game had Geo-Mod 2.0 and Volition were...
-Bought all of them, and if not ODST, the pt2 on market place -ORLY!? It's the same enemies, new setting, and new main character OMGASM -And? -The...
I wont, I was stating my opinion on this forum, and the point of a forum isn't saying "I'm blindly going to buy a expansion for 60$", it's to...
Fail as in retrospect of a halo fan - Expecting a high quality game for a fair price. Now Halo is like the CoD franchise. This is a full priced...
I don't see me buying this half assed **** now that it is 60$. Adding up ALL of fallout 3's DLC, that is 50$, which is longer and more features...
Halo series Fallout 3 Saints Row 2 Red Faction Guerilla Call of Duty 4 Team Buddies Star Wars Battle Front 2 Crash series Guild Wars Ratchet +...