Yeah, Valve is awesome when it comes to the customers.
Yeah check marketplace. I don't really want it, right now I want mothership zeta. Imagine all the cool alien gear onboard.
This game looks really good, damn ps3 owners. This is one of the games I would buy one for.
They make me feel not alone when playing Fallout 3. Oh and either A) Find some friends to play with, you know, the same game B) Invite team to...
Yeah look at cutscenes I think it's revalations.
Ohhh can't wait for that. And I think the gun Vasha is holding looks like those spear guns off of Marauder vehicles. This is more than I expected...
I'm about to buy 2 games, both are 20$ Orange box (AMAZING value for 20$) And Mass Effect. I'll check out the rest of those games too.
o hai there
Ok I want you to meet me at this address and at this time: 9 Linden Road Boston, MA at 8:00. Sound good?
Ok so I do not plan on buying the mythic map pack because it will be in ODST. The vidmaster challenge requires every skull across both packs, do I...
Is the link a rick roll?
Couldn't agree more, too bad it will never happen.
Thanks for the update, that will be a day 1 buy for me. And yeah I listen to the rest of them, but haven't heard of Afrika Bambaataa
Em never said he was ganster, and his best songs are not either. I like: Metal Rock Techno Rap + Hip Hop(Mostly 90's, mainstream sucks) Oh and...
I haven't played any of those fail games (JK), but 2 games that had scary moments for me: Halo 1: No live.... but in all seriousness, the flood,...
I also have the LMP, but believe it should be free. Every one of my favorite playlists requires the newest DLC, including big team and rumble pit,...
Damn no elites in ODST. VERY sad faic. At least the awesomeness of the ODSTs make up for it.
How about Halo Battlefront?
Why would she get shot in the first place? She was just standing next to her father! IMO, we do need to keep our distance, remember Vietnam,...
Yes it's going to be great rampaging the city with 3 of your friends destroying anything in the way.