The charr have made lots of inventions, including guns (think of the guns like fable not modern guns. And with a hint of magic) that all races can...
Heres some links to a bunch of interesting gw2 interviews: Guild Wars 2 Exclusive: A Few Questions with Mike O’Brien - The Complete...
Maybe if I'm not in the same guild as i was in right now then ya I'll go FH
no its seperate
Yeah the demo and graphics were great. IDK though it doesnt look like it would last long like play the campaign 2-4 times and be bored with it, so...
hehe ya and i though AB's were epic. If anyone wants to add me ingame its Xx Quik Silver Xx, i can help with w/e if I'm bored. Or if your not...
ya its worth it, there alot of things to do, you should consider getting eotn tho because theres alot of money to be made and skills to get. or...
you can get all 3 for like 50$ cuz none of them are sold seperatly anymore in stores other than the 50$ trilogy or the one expansion that is...
wat 1's u have now?
ya trying to stuff my hall with armor, which i put alot in, and so far only a destroyer axe in weapons, gotta work on thatm destoryers are 20-30k ea
Fo free mofo, they said it themselves on Guild Wars 2 or something I'm going to try all the races so its gonna look like this Charr - Ele Human...
ya just go here: GuildWiki, a Guild Wars wiki - an unofficial guide to Guild Wars Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North
Yeah I was wondering if this game existed until today, the trailer makes the game look amazing, better than any MMO. I have bin thinking of so...
YouTube - Guild Wars 2 Trailer Bin 2 years since anyone heard anything about GW2 and Anet releases a trailer during the german gaming expo. This...
there wasnt alot of exploration in fable 2 either
o hai there YouTube - Destroying a building Vensito style - Red Faction Guerilla
Unlock? I thought it was already there. Wonder what the other ones might be... Mutant sharks with laser beams?
I had some low expectations for Multiplayer, now that just looked awesome. Oh and watch until the end for some lulz
Guild Wars is made by Anet, NCsoft published it.
\ The can leaned with it and the guy rocked with it.