Hows this? [IMG]
Render here I think. EDIT: oops, I just saw Stoj's new first post, never mind.
I agree, they're pretty big.
Those are cool. I especially like [IMG] and [IMG]
Another Halo Comic Strip? And on topic, just get someone else to do it cos its getting complicated
RaVNzCRoFT's is currently my favourite. Got a Flintstones feel to it lol
A, B, C and D are all reasonable answers lol
Yeah Stewie FTW
Thats quite good, did you make draw the people yourself?
hey man thanks a lot! I was using Paint.NET, but it was mainly same tutorial so that was ok. Heres what I got: [IMG]
I'm gunna go with xxAl Capwnagexx Its just really clean modern, and I like that. Also, did bluepenguin23 even try?
School just started? I just started my summer holiday lol. What country are you in?
Looks like he's still making the tutorials, be patient Ps: why is the Graphics and Arts forum so dried up today?