True, but how would anyone in MM know if you were gay unless you were blabbing it to the whole world? It's more unfair for girls 'cause they can't...
The natural order of life? lol Don't try to steal the topic. If you want attention for your pan-sexualness go make your own topic. Anyway, I'm...
This is awesome Sarge. I love learning about things like this.
I too recognize your name for some reason... where do I know you from? lol
Yeah, thanks man. :)
Yeah, me neither. It's a bit scary sometimes. I think his mother's belly must have been full of pure awesomesauce whilst he was developing inside...
It's maroon silly. Btw.. you need to change your background color. I can't see what I'm typing. lol
If they catch you, yes, you probably will. Luckily for you though, that map was also featured and has had replies made to it recently, so you're...
Thanks guys! I appreciate all the comments. Oh, and to the guy who broke the map: I did want to touch it up, and fix a few things.. maybe make the...
Orly?? Awesomesauce! o/
Haha, while I appreciate the sentiment you might want to be a little more careful. The mods are cracking down on spam and I wouldn't want you to...
lol. Another good Freedom Man production. "He'll call you back later. Freedom Man is very busy at the moment." I'm very busy. I'm looking at a...
Hello Oshi. What is it you need assitance with?
Why hello there good sir! Who are you this fine day? lul
WE MISS YOU SHOCK!!!!! :major sadfaice: Please come back. Signed, Your friends at The Ghosts of Onyx
Haha, there's three pages of this. I'd hate to see how many PM's you must be getting about this as well. :D I gotta admit though, it's gonna be...
Hey man, great map! I played this last night with a few guys and thought I'd give you my thoughts. Now, the teams were a bit unfair, and the other...
Hey, I signed us up for the 2v2. So you don't need to worry about it. Btw, you are Mountain time correct?
Remind me to +rep you when I'm no longer banned. Thank you for the support! :D
Hey, could you look at my most recent post? I need all the help I can get. :|...