SvE is only fair if your team can communicate properly, and go at least 2 on 1 on each Elite. Otherwise it's like backwards natural selection.
Which devilishly handsome dinosaur cracked that amazing pun? Anyway, I had great fun playing on HSII, although Halo 3 now feels weird after...
I remember you mentioning this to me, and I checked it out straight from your rendered videos. I've seen it used in some videos quite a lot. I...
3, 4, 9 & 10 are my favorites. Although I've been aware of hwo the hills affect the play's appearance in theater, I have yet to use it to my...
[IMG] Meh.
I think it looks better not reversed horizontally, but meh.
My reasoning is that Spartan III's, and possibly the entirety of Reach, would have resorted to outdated weaponry in a last ditch effirt to save...
>>Role-revesal on Invasion. I'd love to make objective games where the spartans have to infliltrate a covenant training ground. >>Juggernaut...
Have an epic headache, and my vision is as blurry as the reach weapons when you move...that's the only real comparison I can draw. That means I'm...
@Foyoman. Half of them are dying or dead people, so not really. ;) @Roland. By all means. I have Bathed in Blue as my desktop ATM.
FiOS, you never cease to amaze me. I'd love to see some Boneyard tactical jumps, as most people will have more access to Elites on Invasion. But...
That's what the infected players should look like in infection. That would be terrifying.
I got some of the points, such as jetpacks indoors, and the infamous armor lock misusers. However, I'd say there are far more pressing things that...
Bathed in Blue: [IMG] The Void: [IMG] Zealot: [IMG] Darkness: [IMG] Sheild Pop: [IMG]
Thanks for the honest crit, Red. :) If I do a V2, I'll take all of these into consideration. Any suggestion for blending in the render?
[IMG] For a mate.
Bollocks. I fail at time. Remind me never to organise events overseas. XD Anyway, the biggest issue facing you is time difference. I think you...
[[1am XD GMT]] That sounds pretty good, Insane. I'll make a note of it, and hopefully remember.
With all due respect, the Beta's screenshot effects have not really been uncovered as of yet, and therefore it is hard to find an original...
Firstly CMNeir, I would like to thank you very much for creating H3 Tricks, and indeed H2 tricks before it. Halo 2 tricks really sparked my...